(I just help you get out of your own way)
I am fascinated by and believe in human potential. I’ve always been committed to doing everything I can to make the world a better place. Kindness is my top value. Positively impacting the lives of those around me is my greatest passion. Let me focus all my attention and resources on your life and let the adventure unfold…
Hi there! I'm so happy you found me!

I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, published author, speaker,
lifelong learner, runner and lover of kindness and inspiration. When
I’m not doing one of the above, you can find me sipping a coffee slowly,
watching exquisite sunsets at the beach, almost always with a
transformational book!
I am also a Global Personal Development Strategist, Professional Life
Coach, Master Mindset Mentor, Collective Leadership & Team Consultant
and Transformation Coach. And one of my greatest passions is to help
you connect to your own superpowers, make effective change and
create and live a fully charged-life you deeply love.
Working together, I help you understand and clarify your highest
aspirational vision and most meaningful goals, so that you refine
who you truly want to be, what exactly you want to achieve and how
those awesome results will impact how you show up every day and
inspire goodness in the world. Through a powerful process together,
I help you connect to your most authentic values so you can start to build a personal & professional life that is satisfying on the deepest level. Be it in the sphere of your workplace, team, family, relationships, hobbies, health or social community – when you live according to your core value-set and key strengths instead of aimlessly stabbing around in the dark, everything within you and ultimately outside of you flows that much better and you feel more intentional and purposeful about who you are and what you do.
Perhaps you are looking to make a significant change in just one specific area, such as within your existing job or career or at home in your family life. Maybe you want to do a complete overhaul and shift in your current direction or path and embark on something new? Perhaps you'd love to manage your time more effectively or have stricter accountability for some of your current goals so that you follow-through and enjoy the deserved results of your much-earned efforts. You might want high performance coaching to develop greater confidence, emotional intelligence and enhance your communication and team cohesiveness; you may want to master specific competencies as you develop your unique leadership proficiency and management.
Either way I’ll be here to hold your vision alongside you, provide you with world-class tools to upgrade and advance your mindset and enable you to finally drop those damaging negative limiting thoughts and unhelpful beliefs that so often hinder us, sabotage our progress and keep us stuck in unwanted patterns and old behaviors that no longer serve our highest ideals. With a toolbox filled with highly validated practical methods and strategies that work, I will steer you along the way, support you, challenge you and celebrate your steady growth and ultimate success.
Feeling daunted? Trust me, you are not alone - I'm with you all the way. Working together is an empowering process. Yes, you will have to work at it – hard and consistently! And mark my words - your focused efforts will be more than rewarded when you start seeing the extraordinary positive changes in your life, mindset, high performance and overall outlook and attitude (and I promise you will!).
With me as your personal motivational guide and vision keeper, you will embark on a transformational journey towards becoming future-fit, with greater self-discovery, accelerated personal growth, insightful awareness of what you can master and mostly, a magnificent sense of fulfillment.
I can’t wait to get you started.

My Qualifications
B.A. Psychology, Bar Ilan University.
M.A. Studies in Organizational Communications Research & Practice, University of South Africa
Certified Professional Life Coach, The Adler Institute
NLP, Practitioner, NLP T-Vision
NLP Master, NLP T-Vision
Science of Well-Being, Yale
Science of Happiness, Adlerian Psychology
Global Lumina Practitioner
Global Team Coaching Foundation, Gateway Global Team Coaching Institute
Member ICF, International Coaching Federation
Member EMCC, European Mentoring & Coaching Council
15+ years Donor Relations & Resource Development.
Mentor, Consultant, Coach & Trainer, Turning Point International
MBSR Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction
Certified Business Psychologist
Certified Uppinness Trainer - Positive Psychology at Work

I'm ready to talk

Tel: 00972 (0)54 640 0873